The september Sale is Closed

You may view the knives from our september sale below, though they are no longer available.

Today’s Pay It Forward Giveaway benefits Heart Music, an organization in Athens, Georgia that provides music education to students in Clarke County schools at no cost to the student or the schools. This work is not just about cultivating musical ability; Heart Music (and we) believe that music helps students learn to work intentionally toward specific goals, cultivate their identities, connect to their emotions, and collaborate with others - life skills that students can take with them whether they pursue music or not. We donated to Heart Music in 2022, and at that time, David wrote the following, and re-reading it, I felt like it warranted a re-read here. Here is David’s story:

When I was in 6th grade, we did our orchestra rehearsals in an unused school bathroom. Yep. You read correctly - school bathroom. The unused part is important, but still. It was the 70s.

I mention this, ummm, vivid detail, because I turned 50 this month (about to turn 52 now). As I have been doing some looking back and taking stock, one of the through-lines in my life, apart from working with my hands, knife making, and the importance of creativity, has been playing cello. I don't know if you, kind readers, know this about me, but I have been playing the cello for almost 40 years.

I started when I was eleven in the public school orchestra with three other kids and Ms. Neumann (hence, why we could fit in a bathroom). The bulk of the other kids in my grade chose the band because it was way cooler. I also chose cello because I mistakenly believed that it had only four notes. To top it all off, a girl who liked me chose saxophone, and I was terrified of her. Orchestra, I hoped, would help me escape. (It worked).

Choosing to learn cello has given me a great gift. It's amazing how small, spur-of-of-moment, middle school decisions can impact the course of a life. I have been playing cello more or less actively ever since and have had my life changed irrevocably for the better.

Heart Music helps make music education more accessible to students here in Athens at a time when so many arts programs are losing funding. This work hits home for me, because I remember myself as a little kid who in middle school needed (and got) something special in his life, and that something was music. It has buoyed me up through many hard times and brought much beauty and connection into my life”

David is an incredible cellist, and if you ever want to hear him and are in town, come to one of Athens Symphony’s performances. You’ll see him at the front of the stage :)

If you would like to participate in our Pay It Forward Giveaway, enter your information in the submission form below. If you are selected, you will have 24 hours to send us your shipping address, and we encourage you to make an undisclosed donation to the Heart Music - any amount that fits your budget. Our Pay It Forward offerings are our attempt to get knives to our customers who may have more restricted budgets (but anyone may participate!) and also give back to our community. Thank you for helping us do this!

160mm Black Maple Banno Bunka


Blade: Roller bearing @ HRC 64

Handle: Westernized octagonal integral black maple burl handle with leather and copper spacers.

Notes: 156g. 44mm deep.

Sources: Steel - Roller bearing, machine shop, Birmingham, Alabama.
Maple - Wolfskin, Ga.